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I was just unfortunate.

So i wake this morning at about 11am something-something and the first thing i did was checking my cell phone and then i saw my sister sleeping soundly next to me, really and at the same time i was so hyped up and i'm sorry sister for disrupting your sleep hahah. As i was on my way to the bathroom and was about to wash my face i pass through the living room and i saw my mom and my little brother and sister were getting ready, put their best outfit and yada-yada and i was thinking they're about to go somewhere so okay then i don't care. And yes my Mom told me that they're going somewhere, but she didn't told me what time would they come back home , late or maybe just for a little while i don't know, so she asked us ( me & my sister ) to do the housework and my dad came and fetch my mom and my little brother and sister. So me and my sister was the only creature's in the house, not to mention the others that maybe lingering around the house. So we did the housework, see that, who says that i'm the kind of lass that would staying at home without doing anything, of course sometimes i wake up in the afternoon or even evening, not sometimes but yeap constantly. but i never forget the housework i, as a daughter, eldest daughter to my parents, i never forget what to do, the housework, yes maybe sometimes but it doesn't count because i do the housework most of the time :P _______________________________________________________________________________
After i finished doing my own thing the telephone rang and it was my aunt on the line, she asked me whether i want to join them because they're going to tambunan ! i was like TAMBUNAN ! yes of course i want to, they're going to watch the karate games that were held like now and my precious will be there. i want to say yes but i thought i really can't because nobody is going to watch over the house because my mom hasn't come back yet, then my aunt said it's okay then she asked me again, i said i can't :( then after a few minutes later the telephone rang again, again it was my aunt, she's coming and she told me to inform my sister that they're coming to fetch her, okay and in the end i'm the only one who's going to watch over the house -,- so my aunt came and fetch my Sister, after a few minutes later my mom returned home and i was like where is aunt, i want to join them and yes the car was already full, i guess i was just unfortunate :( so i text my dear, but all the messages i sent him aren't delivered. i went to the living room and lay on the sofa and i receive a call that was actually him, he told me he's going to Final and congrats of course ! ♥ he win and he's going to final, he said that the final round will going to be at 2pm something-something, i told him about all the yada-yada thing and my sister are going to watch the games while me, can't :( he said he understand and he can't wait to see me again, after a little chit-chat i wish him luck and all the best to him ♥ I Love You So Much Sheridann Awang Salleh ♥
I don't find the need to post and create a new entry i mean a new post something like that because the post i'm going to write today is similar as yesterday post. So after i finished my last post for yesterday i went to take my shower and getting ready because my family and i were going to complex to watch football ( saga ). My aunt, sister and the other cousin's came home from tambunan ( i know im the one who should go not my sister -,- ) one of my cousin told me that my boyfriend looks really handsome during the match haha yes he is, like always, and he win the second place congrats to him ♥ after a little chit-chat with my cousin's and sister i went to check my wardrobe because i don't have any fancy clothes to wear for that night, so i just put on my pink tee and shorts, and a pair of comfy sandal. however, we found that it's really difficult for us to park the car, there's no parking space, there's too many, bunches of vehicles parking here and there so it causes traffic jam. we finally found a car park that not really far from the complex. I don't really understand why are we going to watch football, my dad told us that they're just wanted to look around and give a little support. My cousin ( let's just call her Prisca ) yes Prisca, my sister and i got nothing to do with so we fancy around the stalls and fancy around with some food, we fancy around with food yes we love foods, who don't love food anyway ? you must be demented then. we fancy around with lekor, spring potatoes ( i'm not really satisfied with the taste really because i found that it wasn't tasty like the one I've ate before ) and a lot more. They also had a dance competition carnival as well, i found some of friend were on the competition too so i drop by and give a little support for them. So keningau win the football games, it's far from interesting really so i didn't really know about it. We went to the restaurant to have our dinner supper and straight home after that. i don't have much to be talk about so that's all, i think it's the longest entry i ever wrote so bye. 

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