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We had a sweet time.

So yesterday was a day that I've been waiting for so long, that's waiting for my boyfriend to come home from tambunan, he represent tambunan for saga for karate and congrats again he won the second place :P hee. He told me that he's going to the saga closing ceremony, i wasn't sure whether i can go or not, and i asked some of my friend if they're going too, but unfortunately none of them can. I was at my grandmother house and suddenly my sister came up and told me to get ready because daddy said that all of us are going, so i jumped off the couch and ran home to get ready, i was on the car and i receive a call from my boyfriend and he asked where i am and he's invited me to join their thanksgiving party or whatever they call it at KFC, I'll be glad to join them and at the same time my tummy were like needed something really need something to eat hahah, so i asked my dad whether i can join them or not, actually, i didn't ask my dad, i did, i did told him but it's something like ''hey dad im going to KFC'' yes without a question mark haha. We spent more than 15minutes searching for parking and thank god finally we did and it wasn't far from the complex. And i make my way like a princess walking on the major roads like i always did haha.

So, we really had a sweet time together last night, it's been two weeks or less we didn't met and finally i could see him again. His sister and fella's were there as well. I guess that's all for today, i'm hungry as a mad cow and desperately need something for my tummy.

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