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>>One More Cent...

hmm berapa lama ek? berapa lama aq kumpul sen2 nie? tah.. aq annoying at first sbb banyak sgt kt dlm almari.. ye r dpt 1 sen pas bli brng kt pasarraya tuuut(ada 5 huruf, lu pk sendiri..)... nk buang? hmm.. rugi wo.. aq pernah timbang benda nie beratnye 5 kg... Ha??? rosak kot alat penimbang tu.. hu3..

p/s : pape pn syiling2 ni x de la bersinar mcm korang tgk.. hu3.. tu pas aq touch-up2 gambo eh..

Cuti Semester

Cuti semester jgak akhirnya..
dpat jgak blik umah..
btapa rindunya kt family aku..
but, cuti hnya sminggu shja..
x bez..

anyway, i need to power up my physics and my other subjects so that i can thrive for success..

after mid sem break i got mid sem exam (basic themes of AlQuran) and also i have to do listening and speaking test..
arghh i havent get prepare yet..
i dont know what i have to say..lol

Tension dengan study!!!

Assalamua'laikum Bloggers...
aku tension ar dgn study physics nie..
susah btul physics matrikulasi ni..
aku phm, phm dah cma nk apply balik ja aku x reti..
Tolong AKU!!
aku perlukan pertolongan..

aku dgn chemistry msih OK lg..
math pn bley than la..
yg tension hnyalah physics..
aku lepas exm physics ja trus pning dgn physics nie..
nk buka buku pn dh trasa kepeningannya..hak3..

tu ja aku nk bgtau korg..
huhu..hrap2 bley tolong aku..

>>Time To Seek For Money...

huh da 4 ari aq kt umah x wat pape.. menghabiskan beras parent aq jew.. huhu.. poket makin kering.. pale makin pening pk mane nk dpt duit.. huuuuuuuuuu.. rasanye aq kena bangun dr kerusi malas aq nie n start carik keja..
so first thing aq nk bli pas dpt gaji is.. jeng jeng jeng..
hehe.. lama mengidam.. "eh.. tp nk keja ape hah?" aduh.. keja promoter? "ah boring!!!" keja casher? "uih x sampai sehari dah lesap sume duit aq sapu.. kuikuikui..".. adoi! nie lg 1 benda yg aq pening.. keja oh keja..

La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La Laaa… La Laaa…

Ooh! Pening kepala
Memikirkan tak ada kerja
Tanam Anggur
Sijil diploma
Ah! Gantung didinding saja

Ooh! Lega rasanya
Jawat kerja pegawai pemasaran
Di Pertama
Rupa, oh! Rupanya
Kerja am sajaaa!

La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!

Ooh! Terpinga-pinga
Tak puas lagi beradu, mengantuk
Subuh hingga senja
Ah! Hari-hari sama saja

Ah! Nak bancuh kopi
Tapi gulanya tiada, minum saja
Kerja bagai nak gila
Ah! Tak juga kayaaa!

La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!

Gelisah, kugelisah
Mengenangkan masa depan
Kuharus kerja
Oh! Mesti kerja
Tiada apa yang percuma
Realiti tika tiada kerja
Oh! Papa kedanaaa!

La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
La La La Laaa… Hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!

La La La Laaa La La…
La La La Laaa La La…
La La La Laa La La…

hua tenang pale aq nyanyi lagu dr band fav aq MUH..
p/s: pade Lan MUH(vokalis) arap pk blk la pasal penarikkan diri ko dr MUH coz ur vocal fits the band!!!

>>Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Game

Ptg ahad aritu time aq bru blk dr ipoh, iq jln2 kt terminal 1 seremban.. pastu msk satu kedai game huhu.. da lame aq x men game, so aq carik game latest.. tup2 terjumpe lak benda alah nie..

"bos kasi satu game ni! cepat!!!" aq cakap kt tokey kodai tu.. dia pn "sori la dik, da abis!!!".. wah! aq tergamam dgr dia ckp mcm tu.. pastu aq g kedai len lak arap2 ada lg la game tu, dan.. aq dpt beli game tu kat kodai terakhir dlm t1.. huhu.. ponat aq jln semata2 nk dptkan game tu je.. giler tul.. hu3.. pastu aq blk umah straight bukak game tu kt konsole PS2 aq yng semakin dimamah usia tu.. hu.... ternganga aq tgk grafik game kt PS2 aq cukup mengecewakan!!! aq terus pk nk bli PS3, tp.. pokai la poket eden.. so aq men je la "ah.. janji dpt men" and not bad la game tu.. dia x bape follow sgt story line dia.. not bad after all..
so tuk sesape yg berminat nk men game nie bole log on kt link d bwh untuk lebih info pasal game nie..


so "lets roll!!"

>>Helios Eclipse Finally Ends

Finally the story is done.. I've been reading this comics for 4 years.. and it finally comes to an end.. congratulations to Kaoru for this amazing adventure..

here's a little summary :
There are two worlds that exist, the Magic World and The Human World. All elements in both worlds have been controlled by the Sun Ruler, Helios. In the past, Helios was skeptical on why he needs to protect the human world. So he and his brother, Luna went to the human world to see what the human world is like. With the horror of seeing the human world becoming terrible with modern technology, odd cultures, pollution and rude manners, Helios could not believe he was actually protecting it. Soon he encountered a child being accused of stealing. Helios rescued the child and found a wallet on the floor which was actually stolen. Then when they met with the child and his friends again, Helios and Luna saw the children brutally kill a cat. Helios was angered by it and tried to destroy the children. He lost most of his elemental powers when he released them to destroy the children. The elemental powers escaped to the human world.
Before darkness can take over both worlds, he must find a savior to help him find his elements then restore peace to both worlds. Unfortunately, there is a villain from the Dark World trying to interfere and wants to rule over the Magic World. He sends his henchmen and minions to create chaos and interfere with Helios's plans.
Helios goes to the human world again to find the prophesized savior. He is chased by the Dark World's henchmen there. With his weak powers, he fights with the enemies and accidentally meets a human girl, Mineko, which actually was his prophesized savior.

5 star rating comics..

Helios info:
Kaoru info:

>>3 Years of Brotherhood

Pejam celik pejam celik aq dah habis harungi 3 taun kt PSIS(Politeknik Sultan Idris Shah) tempat yang mana aq
belajar mcm2 perkara..
dapat kwn baru..
kenal erti persahabatan..

time trip g lost world of tambun

kt PSIS nie aq n kwn2 aq belajo kos Dip In Programming.. bunyi mcm susah n memang susah pn coz banyak nk kena pk.. Major kitorang programming so everyting about program kitorang kena tau.. blaja language bru kiranya.. bkn language bertutur ngan manusia, tp language bertutur ngan PC a.k.a mesin.. huhu.. menarik? memang r... xde programmer korang sumer x len men komputer arini, xleh surfin, x leh wat keja..

Waktu first time aq jumpe dak2 nie aq pk aq x leh masuk ngan diorang.. tgk x center je memasing.. huhu.. dah lelama aq mula kenal hati budi msng2.. aq nie sblm nie jenis panas baran.. so aq menang selalu x puas ati ngan diorang nie.. so kadang pasal benda kecik pn aq merajuk n x tegur diorang untuk beberapa ari, n bek blk la pastu.. huhu.. tp lelama aq mula biasa ngan benda2 sekeliling aq.. aq mula kawal panas baran aq.. n alhamdulillah aq skrng da bole kawal n kekadang leh simpan temper aq (kekadang panas gak tp simpan je dlm ati...).

owh selama 3 taun mcm2 kitorang da wat sesama.. hmm.. g holiday kt PD(Port Dickson), men bowling sesama, bersukan time petang, men DoTA(game yg mcm siot wat aq ketagih) , g genting highland, join kursus comptia kt ipoh, g lost world tambun, etc... banyak sgt benda yng kitorang da wat sesama n aq x leh nk senaraikan dah..

last day comptia, mkn pizza ngan trainer dennis

Banyak lg benda2 suka duka yang kitorang lalui bersama(sedih lak) spi x leh aq nk tulis sume.. btw thanks guys.. korang antara kwn yang xkn aq lupe..

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