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Kisah Sekolahku Dolu2 hingga sKarang

Assalamualaikum & ALoha!!

Malam ni nak imbas kembali jap zaman budak sekolah dolu...hmm semestinya bagi Aliaa time hidup dekat sekolah dulu best2,tapi lau nak dibandingkan sekarang bila dah masuk U, lagi best kowt~haha...selalunye bila tingat2 balik time zaman sekolah, mesti ramai yg suke kan? rase nak g sekolah balik, tapi bagi Aliaa..hmm, x naklah g balik zaman sekolah...sepanjang zaman sekolah dulu selalu jadi prefect, byk tanggungjawab,Aliaa x kisah yg tu,tappiii...bila dah jadi prefect,biaselah ramai budak x suke,manenye x suke..nnt kena amik namelah,kene denda, kena tegur n macam2 lagi..Aliaa stat jadi prefect since dari darjah 3 atau 4 kowt, xsure la..huhu..eh3 b4 Aliaa meneruskan my writing, dis is my life educational kronologi:

1996-1997: Pra Sekolah di Sekolah Kebangsaan Telok Kechai, Kedah.
1997-1998  : Sekolah Kebangsaan Telok Kechai
1999-2001 : Sekolah Kebangsaan Seberang Perak (sek. Tun Dr. Mahathir g dulu time kecik2)
2001-2003: Sekolah Kebangsaan Telok Kechai
2004-2006: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Sharifah Rodziah
2007-2008: Sekolah Menengah Sains Pokok Sena
2009-2010: Kolej Maatrikulasi Pulau Pinang
2010-2013 : Universiti Putra Malaysia

Bila Aliaa pindah semula ke sekolah telok kechai, I've changed into a new profesion (cewah) jadi librarian + class monitor.

Masa pun berlalu dgn cepat,tup2 dah masuk skolah menengah, wktu dkt SHAROD, tukar balik, jadi prefect and tibe2 je tanpa disangka naik pangkat skit, Aliaa dilantik jadik penolong ketua prefect sesi petang...huu..time pegang jawatan nilah byk penglaman dat I will never forget, zaman nilah zaman Aliaa menjadi agresif...haha...no lah,its the time where i need to change my attitude la, zaman nilah,zaman paling tegas skali, ingat lagi setiap hari, i've become the hulk..kah3,i've become angry, n I NEED to be like that,hmm...coz time tu the students tersangat2lah nOti2...lau x kena pijak pale la den,same with mai partner,ketua pengawas, everything need to be controlled..pheww..such an unforgivable experience. 

Bila pikir2 balik,x sangke nye..adei...sampai kawan2 Aliaa sekarang x caya, I am dat person dulu, leh x caye,i'm the penolong KP..lembut2 jangan dipandang sebelah mata k..I hav my own way......den..here's come another stOri at a new whole world for me, lepas PMR, dpt tawaran to a boarding skool, my parents insisted me 2 go...xtaulah wat kind of guts dat gave me the spirit to make a step to the skool...

honestly, I shed lot of tears wen enter skolah asrama,maybe, environment lain,of kos mmg lain sgt2lah...after entering da skool my grades stat to decrease n decrease n in sudden fluctuate a little, inconsistent betul....Aliaa juz redha n redha, wen entering the boarding skoOl, I am not a prefect, i am not a librarian, i am no one, sumtimes bila pikir balik, i guess its quite  nice if bleh balik ke sekolah lama,n reverse bck da time, but it also giv me da chance untuk rase plak jadi a normal student for once,....

time form 5
but i surely miss da old times. B4 i end my study at skol, i'm searching 4 sumthin dat would at least help me to be active in sumthin, eventhough jadi student biase, n i found sumthin, ..walaupun its a risk, jadi a debater, i never imagine..but i reli gained  a whole lot of sweet n vice versa memories, i mean bad memori, i learn a lot from dat. Of kos,banyak ujian yg ditempuh oleh Aliaa,shedding tears is a normal ting for me at dat time, critical thinking, a huge broad of knowledge MUST be redi at the fingertips...phew...hanya Allah yg tau my condition at dat time.

Lepas tamat skool, Aliaa enter KMPP, matriculation college...hmm,walaupun hnya 2 semester,byk pengalaman yg ditempuh jgk dkt cni..but pengalaman dkt cini, i don wanna talk bout it, its a personal matter.. but bila masuk KMPP Aliaa bertemu sahabat sejati, kawan2 yg sgt baik hati, Alhamdulillah...^_^...sejujurnya, at matrix,i'm not reli active...low profile person jer...juz sum people know me, i juz like to stay n study at my room,its the most comfortable ting for me.

After matrix,Aliaa bertemu jodoh dengan UPM, i never dreamt of studying there, Alhamdulillah,syukur sgt5..i met a new frens,its nice tapi of kos dkt U, we need to be independent student, mmg kena pandai agih masa.some people said,bila masuk U,relax skit coz...jadual x pack...haha..i dont trust dat,...as u r living in the campus,ur life will be beri bz with the studies,the assignments,the kolej activities,college events n so on...but make it fun,think positive is the most important thing. I reli2 hope i can finish my study very well n graduate with a good achievement in the future...ape tu....Kemahiran Insaniah, KI is very important,lau sape msuk IPT taulah tu..hukhuk..

in conclusion, learn from ur mistakes, n cherish the moments dat u hav experienced ^_^


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