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Makan Malam 2 beranak....

Ptg smlm aku & mama masing2 teringin nak mkn mknan yg berbeza...Tapi masing2 malas nak mkn kat situ sbb 2 tempat yg berlainan...Sudahnya,kami tapau saja...Maklumlah bila tinggal berdua nie x susah sgt,rasa mls nak masak,beli sajok...
Mula2 kami ke sini:







"Tat Nasi Ayam"

Tempat fav aku nie...Nasi ayam dier mmg tip top...X pernah mengecewakan aku...ngn sup dia yg mabeles kan...

"nasi ayam"
(lupa nak snap sup,kicap ngn sambal)

Pastu kami ke tempat mama plak:







"Nasi Lemak Ali"

Mama mmg suka beli kat sini...Tempat nie pun femes jugak...Ada yg dtg dari jauh,sebelum balik mesti singgah sini n bungkus utk dibawak balik...

Nasi berlaukkan ayam dan telur rebus

Kemudian kami singgah Zeffee utk beli minuman...Tetapkan,minuman pun nak kena bungkus..Ala sekali-sekala apa salahnya...







Tembikai susu utk aku & nescafe ais utk mama...

Itulah makan malam aku & mama...
~Janji kenyang~

Khabar Sedih Yg Kuterima.....

Aku baru dapat khabar berita dari sahabat baiknya yg juga kenalan aku,Mahadir yg sahabat & juga yg aku anggap adik iaitu Mista Aizoul telah dimasukkan ke Hospital

Lps aku dpt tahu,aku terus sms dia tanya khabar berita dr dia...Aku dr jauh hanya mampu mendoakan agar dia cepat sembuh dan kembali seperti sediakala....aku tahu dia seorang yg kuat utk lalui semua dugaan ini...

Termerloh,Pahang...Aku sgt2 terkejut okeh bila dpt berita itu sbb setahu aku,Aizoul seorang yg periang dan happy go lucky seperti aku bole sakit....

Aku dah kenal dia hampir 3 tahun...Sepanjang persahabatan antara kami,hubungan kami baik sekali,tidak pernah bergaduh @ bertegang leher sesama kami...Aku juga x pernah berahsia dgn dirinya...Aku selalu mengadu pada dia kalau aku ada masalah...Dialah "SAHABAT" dan juga "ADIK"....

Marilah kita sama2 doakan agar Mista Aizoul cepat sembuh...

yup . .imma muslim

assalamualaikum . .
as usual,after i've done my crazy daily chores,
i entered my pinkish room and start to facebooking a.k.a stalking ,blogging and many more. .
i love goddamn much to see people "cantek " and "kacak" . .
In short , i love to see their weird fashion . .for me,that is called freaking arts!ahaha
and i found that pretty smart poem and articled. .but i just copy and paste the poem.
when i read these articles,its really touch me , ,really !and it makes me realizes that ,imma muslim gurl that always commit sins and my hijab doesn't stay in place,imma crazy, i'm a selfish, pretty clumsy! aku manusia lemaahhh . .

yupp..i'mma sobbing,I'm cried a lot! i'm laughing with angered! and i asked my self!

I am a Muslim woman
Feel free to ask me why
When I walk
I walk with dignity
When I speak
I do not lie

I am a Muslim woman
Not all of me you'll see
But what you should appreciate
Is that the choice I make is free

I'm not plagued with depression
I'm neither cheated nor abused
I don't envy other women
And I'm certainly not confused

Note, I speak perfect English
Et un petit peu de Francais aussie
I'm majoring in Linguistics
So you need not speak slowly

I run my own small business
Every cent I earn is mine
I drive my Chevy to school & work
And no, that's not a crime!

You often stare as I walk by
You don't understand my veil
But peace and power I have found
As I am equal to any male!

I am a Muslim woman
So please don't pity me
For God has guided me to truth
And now I'm finally free!

and the ONLY answer is jangan salahkan ibu yang mengandung,dan jangan salahkan ayah yang bg ibu mengandung,instead,,,BLAME YOUR SELf . .!

oke,u can put the blame on me (akon) . .

tekembang2 idung gua speaking hari ni . .

ape2 pon..uh2,,kali ni sesi muhasabah serawak diri . .

bui bui ^_^


i was having a great time during our membership camping located in my school last Friday until yesterday Sunday. we enjoyed all the activities, i was one of the committee member, our job is to make sure all the activities going well. this is the 3rd time i attend camping which i didn't like it in a very first place, but i found that camping time is the most wonderful thing you would have spending your time with your fella. we have jungle trekking which is worse, but i know theres worst than that haha. i suffered minor injuries, and lot fun experience i gained during the jungle trekking, campfire the second day, having great time with my group (platoon number two) not forget to mention, i SUFFERED being TAN. i have tan skin now, i called it suffered because its hurt to look at the mirror and saw your face and yell hell jeez what happened to my face. i was only staying for 3 days 2 nights and i lost 2kg. i eat lot, i mean i dont know actually, maybe i dont have the appetite to eat some rice, but i ate lot junkie haha never mind about that. i just hope that all these red sunburn tan skin would get away as soon as possible.


im not really interesting to post a blog for today because the internet line were getting so damn sh*t, i mean what the hell, why is it being so slow. i hate it when i wrote something i mean i typed something, and i have to wait 3 minutes or less for it to appear on the screen. i already uninstall-ed some software, i mean lot. i delete lot expired things inside this pc. but i dont see any changes, its still the same.

Makan-Makan Bersama...

Pada hari Sabtu yg lps,aku & mama menerima tetamu2 dari Penang...Mereka adalah kwn2 dr Facebook & blogger....Ekceli dah plan mende nie seminggu yg lps....

Aku yg serba hitam setia menunggu dibutik...

Sepatutnya plan ngn diorg nie jam 7 mlm tapi terlewat 1 jam sbb salah seorang dr mereka bole terlajak tido..."APa KeS????"

Hadiah utk "birthday boy"

Aku dan mama bawak mereka makan di sini:







"Restoran Bunga Naga"

Ianya terletak di Jitra (jalan menghala ke Wang Tepus)...Ekceli nie adalah kali ke-2 aku ke sana...Kali pertama aku pergi bersama.....(tetttttt)
Nak tahu apa yg kami order pada malam itu...
Jeng jeng jeng







Udang Saring

Masak Asam Pedas

Sotong Goreng Tepung

Ikan Masak Kicap Bawang

Ayam Masak Gajus

Air Buah Naga
(fresh punya tau)

Teh Tarik 1 Malaysia
(mama ngn si Faisal Punya)

Mesti korang nak tahu siapalah tetamu2 aku & mama itu kan...Inilah org2nya...







Aku bersama Roselinda & Izra

Aku dan mama bersama Roselinda & Izra

Aku bersama Faisal & Keith

Aku bersama Faisal...
Ekceli kami juga celebrate belated birthday si Faisal...Sepatutnya nak buat masa birthday beliau,tapi x dpt sbb masa tue aku tgh "sakit"....

Apapun tq so much pada mereka yg sudi dtg dari jauh...Hope kita dpt bertemu lagi...

this feeling is killing me slowly :'(

someday u will regret because no one will love u like i loved u.
im so fucking in love with u,and the hardest part is i still can't forget u even i try very hard.
i don't know what should i do to forgetting u.
i already throw all the thing that make me thinking of u.but still useless.
i cried every night until my tears been dry,and now i've no tear's anymore.
can u come back with me? :'(
i wan the old u,the guy who love me more than he love him self.
dear odey,i still love you :(

this feeling is killing me slowly :'(

someday u will regret because no one will love u like i loved u.
im so fucking in love with u,and the hardest part is i still can't forget u even i try very hard.
i don't know what should i do to forgetting u.
i already throw all the thing that make me thinking of u.but still useless.
i cried every night until my tears been dry,and now i've no tear's anymore.
can u come back with me? :'(
i wan the old u,the guy who love me more than he love him self.
dear odey,i still love you :(

Lagi Gambar Kami....

Sebelum nie dah kluarkan pasal entri "Bila Kami Bersama" kan...Kali nie aku tambahkan gambar2 yg aku amik dr kamera besaq si Dafi (Suami kepada Marlisa)...Lagi clear & cantik hasilnya....







Maizatul * Cik Wanie * Marlisa*

Maizatul * Cik Wanie * Marlisa * Aliff

Pasai pa aku dok gelak lagu tue...

Pemangsa di Lautan Biru! Yeke?

Al-Kisah....Seorang photographer ,Jim Abernathy-pemenang n author kpd bidang photography yg juga salah seorang daripada World's mOst experienced sharks diVers. Beliau telah abiskan masa mostly dlm hidupnya untuk upclose dengan species2 ikan2 jerung yg terbesar di dlm laut. Disebabkan rasa minat dan sayang kpd salah satu mahkluk haiwan ciptaan Allah nie,Jim nak menunujukkan kpd dunia tentang nature sebenar haiwan ini yg ramai daripada kita yg selalu misunderstood dgn haiwan nie...waoOo ^0^

nampak jinak2 kan ikan2 jerung ni...tp tanpa ilmu pengetahuan yg betul, abisla silap2 terus kena ngapp lah..  huu~takut2

p/s: kat sini aliaa nak tanya soalan tau,sambil korang bace entri ni nak bt survey skit..silelah,jgn malu n segan tuk jawab ok...lau korang respond,gembira rasa ati ni ~huu *nnt lau korang respond baru aliaa bg jawapn n sebabnya okey ^_^ lau xde respond pun,Aliaa majuk lah..huhu

Soalannya: Binatang apekah yang lebih berbahaya? Ikan Jerung ke ataupun Tebuan??

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